Gentlemen's Brim — Timex

How to wear a Seersucker Suit (the Gentlemen's Brim edition)

How to wear a Seersucker Suit (the Gentlemen's Brim edition)

Seersucker (by way of British India) quickly became a staple by the poor in the southern states of america. This lightweight fabric often became the summer suit of choice for service men, women, and became the blue collar summer suit of choice.When the 1920s came roaring in, the seersucker was reswagged by hipster Ivy Leaguers (before it was cool), and the upper class. Seersucker received a nice...

Rogue Fridays - Concrete Jungle

Rogue Fridays - Concrete Jungle

Tony and Sadiki attacked DC's urban terrain in attire which guaranties for success on the journey. Follow us along this urban oasis safari as we past by some of the street art found in this up and coming DC neighborhood.  
(On Tony: Khakis: Dockers, Socks: Cole Haan, Shoes: Allen Edmonds, Vest: Ralph Lauren Rugby, Shirt: Ralph Lauren, Scarf: Vintage, Jacket: Vintage U.S. Army, On Sadiki: Cap:...

2nd Time Around

2nd Time Around

Vintage this, antique that, Pop Up shops, and Trunk Sales are the new hot craze. The climate has currently changed back to being thrifty with your hard earned paycheck and has stepped away from seeing who has the most expensive items on. So glad that time has passed (in some circles at least). But just like anything that makes traction manufactures will always try to use it as their new cash cow....